Saturday, March 29, 2008
Two little girls, aged 5, chatted as they sharpened their colour pencils.

Girl 1: I'm wearing high-heels.
Girl 2: I have high-heels also.
Girl 1: I have five high-heels at home.
Girl 2: I have a lot of high-heels at home too. Higher than this one (pointed to the shoes she was wearing). Very nice ah.
Girl 1: Wear it la. I want to see.
Girl 2: Ok.

I was so tempted to join the conversation and talk about MY shoes =D

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Monday, March 03, 2008
It's easy to flirt with someone if neither of you are really interested. It's much harder to flirt with someone you really like.
-Bev, Rescuing Rose by Isabel Wolff

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