Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Coming Home
September 8, 2007
Marking the turning point in life.

God did not forsake me. He loves me.

God loves you too!


Saturday, September 15, 2007
My Secret
... is that I... dolikejaychou. *blush*

Knowing me, I would never be bothered to cough up some cash just to watch some mandarin or canton speaking movie. I'm terrible at that language, among the reasons why I couldn't be interested to actually watch the movie. But I guess this one is just different.

During one chat session with Sly, I told her we should all go watch Ratatouille, and she mentioned something about "Secret". I didn't pay much attention to it coz I knew that coming from Sly, it's some Chinese or Jap drama with those weird AhBengs that she likes. Hehe. But I was wrong.

We were deciding which movie to watch one day and Sly brought up Secret again. So I went online and did a lil reading.

Secret, a movie starred, co-written, and directed by Taiwanese musician, Jay Chou.

Secret > Jay Chou > piano playing extraodinaire > passion for music > music > magical....

That did it. I thought, why not. It has got something to do with music. It could be nice. And there should be some subtitle or something.


There I was, choking back tears and mentally directing the characters on screen, but of course, to no avail. Duh. It was just so emotional, the whole story. It was heart-wrenching coz at certain point, everything was so near and yet so ruddy far! I think one of the most emotional scenes was when Lun had a flashback and realized that no one else could see Yu except him. Oh and another really emotional scene was when Lun and Yu interacted through writing on the table with correction-pens... and and and... and Lun's pen ran out of ink! *Sobs*

Just thinking about the story sends me chills. The setting itself played a big role in completing the whole emo thing there. And I love the chemistry between Jay Chou and Kwai Lun Mei. They look so adorable together.

I. Need. To. Watch. Secret. Again.


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